Saturday, January 1, 2011

The turning of a year is always an interesting time. It's as though suddenly it occurs to the world that we ought to reflect on ourselves for a moment. Consider what we've accomplished. Consider what obstacles we've faced. Remark upon our trials and tribulations, set new goals that reflect an updated version of who we think we ought to be. And then slowly, January slides into motion, and we get wrapped up in our daily lives again, for better or for worse. Our new resolutions, epiphanies, realizations become images in our rear view mirror...

I've done it. I've reflected. I've considered. I'm remarked. And I've realized. I've realized that lately, my life is all about ME. In fact, there is so much ME in my life that, at times, there isn't much room left for anything or anyone else. And while I'm quite confident that the me I'm reflecting on is charming and witty and rather fun to be around, I'm fairly certain I need a general shift in perspective.

Enter: My currently nameless daily acts of kindness's as simple as it sounds. I'll try to do something nice for some unsuspecting individual everyday. It won't always be free, and it won't always be grand, but I imagine it'll be worthwhile anyhow.

Kindness to commence immediately! :)


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